society limonta

nous travaillons avec la manufacture society limonta sur nos nouveaux plaids, en utilisant des tissus provenant des archives de l'entreprise textile italienne et de nouvelles couleurs exclusives que nous avons créées ensemble.

Filtres Masquer les filtres
blanket - ted - dark navy - 200cm x 150cm
blanket - ted - dark navy - 200cm x 150cm


ted - 200cm x 150cm


blanket - ted - woodland - 200cm x 150cm
blanket - ted - woodland - 200cm x 150cm


ted - 200cm x 150cm


en savoir plus sur nos plaids

en savoir plus
blanket - tuis - dark navy - 180cm x 130cm
blanket - tuis - dark navy - 180cm x 130cm


tuis - 180cm x 130cm


en savoir plus sur nos plaids

en savoir plus
blanket - wooly - plum - 180cm x 130cm
blanket - wooly - plum - 180cm x 130cm


wooly - 180cm x 130cm


blanket - wooly - woodland - 180cm x 130cm
blanket - wooly - woodland - 180cm x 130cm


wooly - 180cm x 130cm


Acheter les plus populaires

Preset two module chaise - cord velours - platinum - 241cm x 136cm
Preset two module chaise - cord velours - platinum - 241cm x 136cm

two module chaise sofa

cord velour - 241cm x 136cm


Preset two module sofa - velvet - stone - 272cm x 136cm
Preset two module sofa - velvet - stone - 272cm x 136cm
25% de réduction

two module sofa

velvet - 272cm x 136cm

€3.580,50 €4.774,00

Preset three module corner sofa - velvet - creme - 241cm x 199cm
Preset three module corner sofa - velvet - creme - 241cm x 199cm
25% de réduction

three module corner sofa

velvet - 241cm x 199cm

€4.217,25 €5.623,00

Preset two module chaise - cord velours - khaki - 241cm x 115cm
Preset two module chaise - cord velours - khaki - 241cm x 115cm

two module chaise sofa

cord velour - 241cm x 115cm


Preset three module corner sofa - cord velours - platinum - 241cm x 241cm
Preset three module corner sofa - cord velours - platinum - 241cm x 241cm

three module corner sofa

cord velour - 241cm x 241cm


Preset three module corner sofa - cord velours - sand - 241cm x 199cm
Preset three module corner sofa - cord velours - sand - 241cm x 199cm

three module corner sofa

cord velour - 241cm x 199cm


Preset three module sofa - cord velours - platinum - 377cm x 136cm
Preset three module sofa - cord velours - platinum - 377cm x 136cm

three module sofa

cord velour - 377cm x 136cm


Preset two module chaise sofa - velvet - creme - 241cm x 136cm
Preset two module chaise sofa - velvet - creme - 241cm x 136cm
25% de réduction

two module chaise sofa

velvet - 241cm x 136cm

€3.116,25 €4.155,00

the jumbo beanbag - cord velour - platinum - 140cm x 90cm
the jumbo beanbag - cord velour - platinum - 140cm x 90cm

the jumbo beanbag

cord velour - 140cm x 90cm


the jumbo beanbag - cord velour - sand - 140cm x 90cm
the jumbo beanbag - cord velour - sand - 140cm x 90cm

the jumbo beanbag

cord velour - 140cm x 90cm


the beanbag - cord velour - sand - 110cm x 70cm
the beanbag - cord velour - sand - 110cm x 70cm

the beanbag

cord velour - 110cm x 70cm


the beanbag - cord velour - platinum - 110cm x 70cm
the beanbag - cord velour - platinum - 110cm x 70cm

the beanbag

cord velour - 110cm x 70cm


the jumbo beanbag - cord velour - dark grey - 140cm x 90cm
the jumbo beanbag - cord velour - dark grey - 140cm x 90cm

the jumbo beanbag

cord velour - 140cm x 90cm


the jumbo beanbag - cord velour - khaki - 140cm x 90cm
the jumbo beanbag - cord velour - khaki - 140cm x 90cm

the jumbo beanbag

cord velour - 140cm x 90cm


the jumbo beanbag - velvet - stone - 140cm x 90cm
the jumbo beanbag - velvet - stone - 140cm x 90cm
25% de réduction

the jumbo beanbag

velvet - 140cm x 90cm

€464,25 €619,00

the beanbag - cord velour - khaki - 110cm x 70cm
the beanbag - cord velour - khaki - 110cm x 70cm

the beanbag

cord velour - 110cm x 70cm


big pillow - cord velour - sand - 60cm x 60cm
big pillow - cord velour - sand - 60cm x 60cm

big pillow

cord velour - 60cm x 60cm


jumbo pillow - cord velour - sand - 100cm - 100cm
jumbo pillow - cord velour - sand - 100cm - 100cm

jumbo pillow

cord velour - 100cm


pillow - cord velour - sand - 60cm x 30cm
pillow - cord velour - sand - 60cm x 30cm


cord velour - 60cm x 30cm


big pillow - cord velour - platinum - 60cm x 60cm
big pillow - cord velour - platinum - 60cm x 60cm

big pillow

cord velour - 60cm x 60cm


jumbo pillow - cord velour - khaki - 100cm - 100cm
jumbo pillow - cord velour - khaki - 100cm - 100cm

jumbo pillow

cord velour - 100cm


jumbo pillow - cord velour - platinum - 100cm - 100cm
jumbo pillow - cord velour - platinum - 100cm - 100cm

jumbo pillow

cord velour - 100cm


big pillow - cord velour - khaki - 60cm x 60cm
big pillow - cord velour - khaki - 60cm x 60cm

big pillow

cord velour - 60cm x 60cm


footsak - cord velour - sand - 60cm x 45cm
footsak - cord velour - sand - 60cm x 45cm


cord velour - 60cm x 45cm
